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Besides service opportunities through our mission ministries, Christ the King offers a multitude of ways to participate in ministry and share your gifts from God. Mission Teams carry out the day-to-day ministries of Christ the King and welcome new members and/or help with specific projects. Please contact the church office with questions and we will get you in touch with team leaders.

For ways to get involved in worship services, please see Volunteer to Serve in Worship.

The Administration and Finance Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing the administrative and financial affairs of the corporation. It oversees the following teams:

  • Stewardship Team
    • The Stewardship Committee is charged with preparing, planning, and conducting the annual stewardship program in support of the congregation’s mission and ministry.
  • Personnel Team
    • The Personnel Committee is responsible for the development of policy and general management of the staff, annual salary reviews and the development and maintenance of the congregation’s Personnel Manual.
  • Endowment Team
    • The Endowment Committee shall oversee the church Endowment Fund.

Discipleship (Youth and Education Ministry): The purpose of the Discipleship Ministry Team is to educate God’s people, helping them to become more like Christ in their thoughts, feelings and actions thus allowing them to become mature people in Christ. This ministry team shall be responsible for ensuring a comprehensive Discipleship (education) program for all ages.

Evangelism Team: In each of the gospels, Jesus commands us to communicate God’s Word to the world.  We are ambassadors for Christ and we are to tell the world about his death on the cross, his resurrection and his promise to return.  The Holy Spirit leads us to tell the world about salvation through Christ.  The Evangelism Ministry Team encourages and educates the congregation in its calling to be witnesses to Jesus Christ in the community and the world.

Fellowship Team: Fellowship is identification with the body of Christ. As Christians, we need to develop relationships with, and care for, one another. The Fellowship Ministry Team is responsible for coordinating programs and activities that encourage and support developing relationships so that the congregation of Christ the King becomes a true Family of God.

Property Team: the Property Ministry Team supervises the maintenance and repair of the congregation’s buildings and grounds, coordinating and supplementing the work with the custodian.  They shall procure any services as needed for the maintenance of the property and buildings.

Christ the King’s Women’s Team: The CTK Women’s Team provides opportunity for service and fellowship for women of all ages. This group sponsors annual activities including women’s brunch, silent auction and rummage sale, with proceeds distributed to various mission organizations and causes.

Worship Team: the Worship Team oversees the entire process of the congregation’s worship, music and artistic life, seeking to provide standard and alternative forms of worship, other acceptable forms of liturgy, and new and creative ways to enhance worship, music and the arts at Christ the King.